Foundation a
New Path to Equality

A New Path to Equality (NP2E) is led by an unremunerated board. They are supported by a pool of highly qualified trainers, event and project managers, and volunteers specialized in women's human rights and development. Many of these individuals are role models, with some having been pioneers in the Dutch women's movements.
Together, they provide crucial recommendations within their areas of expertise to support NP2E's mission and growth. They ensure NP2E remains connected and informed about broader policy goals, relevant developments, and crosscutting themes. This holistic approach enables NP2E to achieve the best results in its endeavors.
and Counting
Events & Projects


We envision a world where women and girls have equal access to resources and opportunities, tailored to their gender-specific needs and desires, enabling them to fulfill their potential. Where they exercise independent freedom of choice, challenge gender stereotypes, and enjoy their rights to full self-expression and self-determination with grace and dignity.


Our mission is to expand opportunities for all women and youth, especially those facing multiple disadvantages, power abuse, and interlocked in systemic oppression. We empower individuals most at risk and primarily target the systems that exclude and restrict their full participation and self-fulfillment.

Mission Approach

While our focus is on women, we embrace a strong intergenerational approach. With the world home to the largest generation of youth in history, we see young people, including young men, as crucial to a just future. We aim to empower them as partners in achieving our goals. We admire their willpower in facing new challenges and support their resilience to thrive in these times of extremes.

ECO-mission approach

We advocate for compassionate women’s leadership in conserving natural resources, promoting environmental protection, and safeguarding all living beings, while also encouraging youth to play an active role in these endeavors.
Latest Blog & News

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Depremzede Kadınların Hikâyeleri, Avrupa Konseyi’nin 75. Yılında Dünyaya
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